Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Baba yetu is on the practice site!

Thanks to Al for getting Baba yetu on the practice site - it sounds like it was a complicated one! For those that are new to the practice site - here is the link: http://home.comcast.net/~aheezen/music/

Laudate Dominum and O Magnum Mysterium are also on the site! Take a peek.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bellingham Community Gospel Choir - choir workshop and concert information

Bellingham Community Gospel Choir - choir workshop and concert
with Pastor Pat Wright
and the
Total Experience Gospel Choir

Saturday, October 13, 2012
Workshop:1:00 - 4:30 pm
$20 includes snacks, beverages, dinner with the choir, and concert donation
Concert: 6:30 pm
$10 suggested donation
no reserved seating - seating limited to facility capacity
Location: Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship

To register for the workshop send your name, telephone number and email address along with a check or money order for $20 payable to Bellingham Community Gospel Choir to:
P.A. Starcher
P.O. Box 1124
Bellingham, WA 98227-1124

Sponsored by Bellingham Community Gospel Choir

For more information: bellinghamgospelchoir@hotmail.com | 360-223-8098

Thursday, September 6, 2012

details for Sunday's Ingathering Service

when to arrive: 8:30am for rehearsal - plan to be at both the 9:15 and 11:15 services to sing
what to wear: black pants or skirt, white shirt with a blue accent [tie, scarf, necklace, etc.]
what to bring: your music [We Are One] and your voice

If you're struggling with finding a white top, Linda Darks says she has 3 or 4 White tops in sizes M and L which she can loan out for Sunday if needed. Please e mail her  at wanna_sing@yahoo.com or call  at 360-756-6648 or 360-961-6239 if you'd like to borrow one and she'll plan on bringing one for you. Thank you Linda!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

"We Are One" and "You Are The New Day" are on the practice site

Al Heezen is speedy and already has "We Are One" and "You Are The New Day" on the practice site! Check it out at: http://home.comcast.net/~aheezen/music/

One thing Al wanted to mention was "When there are two parts on one voice, I try to have the higher voice on the left speaker and the lower on the right. That doesn't seem to be working correctly right now - I will try to fix it later."

If you are new to this practice site, you might be required to install a plugin to make it work - but when you do you'll understand why we call it "amazing". It's a very useful tool.

Welcome Back BUF Choristers!!

And a big welcome to any new folks! Whether you are just trying it out for a while, or plan on staying with us for years, you and your voice are always welcome!

We are looking a t a great season this year!! I am looking forward to seeing you tonight. Reverend Lee Bond and I are having a great time putting the season together and we have several highlights that I am sure will be incredible.

Keep checking the blog links to hear our new music as I get them posted, or subscribe below to get email updates when ever there is a post.

If you are an new or returning member that needs update your information just click the link "BUF CHOIR DATA ENTRY FORM" , Fill it out, submit it,  and it goes right to my spread sheet.

Thank you Becca for staying consistent with posting the must know info for Sundays and rehearsals. You are awesome!!

Beth Brown has also been hard at work organizing the music library so that we can be ready for tonight! Thanks a million!

Looking forward to seeing you and most importantly HEARING you!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome back! First choir rehersal is this Wednesday!

It's that time again. Choir is starting again this Wednesday at 7:00. BUF's Ingathering service is next Sunday and, as has become an annual tradition, we'll be singing "We Are One". Come on Wednesday to see old and new friends and sing!