Saturday, November 21, 2009

First blog in a while

dear choristers,

I am looking forward to our performance tomorrow. Again the call I'd
8:30 and be dressed in brown and green.

Andy Marshall
Choir Director

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rehearsal tonight

Just to confirm for any of you that were wondering. We are having
rehearsal tonight at the normal time. See ya tonight!


Andy Marshall
Choir Director

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Great rehearsal

Dear Choristers,

We are making a lot of head way on O Magnum, I feel that there really is no limit to our growth on this song. I will post some you tube videos for good examples of diction and phrasing.

Earth song is also getting there. This will be a nice piece for us. the nuance in dynamic and breathing in Earth Song really became apparent to me tonight. Thank you for your attention to tuning and blending that we worked so hard on last week.

I am looking forward to this christmas eve service. we are on the road to having a well prepared and confident performance

in Harmony
