Saturday, November 27, 2010

Choir singers needed for the BUF Winter Festival on December 4

Ann Stevenson is organizing carolers for the Winter Festival on Saturday, December 4th at BUF.  She needs singers from 2:00-3:00PM.  Music will be provided and Jan Condrin will accompany.  You might wear a muffler or hat or something seasonal for effect if you wish.  Please let Ann know if you can join in the fun at 738-7083 or or let her know at choir on Wed. night.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Annual Choir Retreat

It’s time for the Annual Choir Retreat out at Kara’s on 12/11 

We do a breakfast and lunch and need setup, breakfast, breakfast cleanup, lunch, lunch cleanup.  It takes a little effort from the lot of us so we need to be thinking of which tasks we’ll each do.
We’ve got several people with different dietary preferences so you all should consider providing food so your needs are taken care of.  All food needs to be labeled.  Food included beverages, including tea, coffee, milk and juice.

I’ll have the lists at choir practice on 12/1 so be prepared with your pencils ready to sign up for a couple of jobs.  If you need child care, please arrange it with DeeDee.  It will be off site and BUF will provide it for your kids.  We need help to get chairs and the coffee pots from BUF to and from Kara’s that day.  Also needed are 3 keyboards, preferably with pedals.  I’m assuming that the BUF van will be available to haul it all out there.

Please contact Linda with any questions: or 756-6648.

Choir is singing today!!

Hey Choristers,

As long as you can get to where you need to go safely today, we are planning on a normal (single service at 10:30) church service and a performance in the gym at Blodel-Donavan(1:30).

Fun FUn Fun


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Classical Voices Concert is ON!!

Hi there Choristers and any one listening,

I just wanted to let you know that the concert tonight is going to happen as scheduled.

Bundle up, drive safe and we will see you there.

it is going to be gooooooood



Friday, November 19, 2010

Weather Update

Ho Ho Ho Choristers,

It is Friday night and the snow is coming down!

Keep your eyes on the blog for updates on our morning service and our gig Sunday afternoon.

Oh the weather outside is fright full.... (you finish the rest)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

details for Sunday's Multi-Faith Alternative Holiday Market performance

Sunday's Multi-Faith Alternative Holiday Market at the Bloedel Donovan Community center will be open from 1:00 - 4:00pm. We will start singing at 1:30. Below should be everything you need to know!
  • Arrive at 1:20
  • Dress in black with Autumn accents
  • Bring your choir folder with music - we will be singing: Thula Klizeo, We are One, Good Night, Dear Heart, Cornerstone, Siyahamba, The Fire of Commitment, Blue Boat Home & Bonse Aba and Chamber Choir will be singing Hallelujah Amen.
More info about the Holiday Market can be found here:

See you Sunday!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Most recent Performance and Upcoming events

Dear Choristers,

I really felt good about our performance last Sunday. You all put a lot of heart into it and it really came through in the performance. And I feel that we are finally learning how, as a group, to put our hearts into our performances in just the right way. This last Sunday was a fantastic example of what can happen in an authentic emotionally engaged performance. Not contrived or superficial but the real deal. That is the stuff that has the ability effect peoples lives in a powerful way. Who knows who's lives we may have changed with our performance on Sunday... we may never know. However I do know that when we put the work into our art to make it the best it can be, I know my life is changed... and I bet yours is too. Lets keep it up BUF choir.

We ARE having rehearsal on Wednesday. And yes I WAS confused after the service on Sunday. it is the following week that is cancelled.

I still have yet to get complete details for this coming Sunday. I will communicate with the event planner tomorrow for sure so that you can all make your plans as needed. If any of you have some special requests time wise please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate them.

That is all for now.

in Harmony


P.S. Keep spreading the word about the Classical Voices Concert this Saturday. We need to pack the house. It is going to be GOOOOOD.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Details for this Sunday [11.14]

Here are some reminders about Sunday's performance:
  • TIME: arrive at 8:30 sharp
  • DRESS: black with autumnal accents [orange, red, gold]
  •  PREPARE: use the practice site [] - the more our heads are out of our music the better we'll sound and the more fun we'll have!

Friday, November 5, 2010

some new things to check out on Al's practice site and the blog!

Choirsters! Al has once again done an amazingly speedy job at getting new music up on his practice site. The site now has: 
  • Dai Lanu
  • Good Night, Dear Heart
  • Joy Introit
  • Lullay my Liking
  • Rune of Hospitality
and for Chamber:
  • Dance Today with JOY
  • Hallelujah Amen
And the blog now has some YouTube videos of Good Night, Dear Heart and The Rune of Hospitality. Quality varies for these - but it's still fun to listen to. 

Check it all out - we have a lot of music!