Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Welcome Back

Dear BUF Choristers,

Was that the best summer ever or what!! I LOVE Bellingham! I hope you are ready to get to some singing this september because I certainly am. Here is what you need to know about choir this year.

First rehearsal is on Wednesday the 4th of September. 

Wednesday nights will still hold the same schedule of events which will be:

6pm Community dinner
6:30 Chamber choir rehearsal
7:00 BUF choir rehearsal
8:35 Womens ensemble rehearsal

Our Schedule up through December looks like this. This schedule is subject to change but we will do our best to stick with it and any changes will be available on our Choir blog. 

Sept 15th BUF CHoir
Sept 22nd Chamber
Sept 29th BWE
October 20 Chamber
Oct 27th BUF choir
Nov 3 BWE
Nov 10 Chamber Choir
Nov 17 BUF Choir
Dec 1 BWE
Dec 8 Chamber
Dec 22 Children's choir
Dec 24th BUF Choir + Chamber Choir + BWE 8pm Christmas eve Service. 

For the Christmas Eve Service this year we are doing the Franz Biebl "Ave Maria" This piece is magical and definitely one of the best pieces of choir music that I have ever performed. I am excited to work on it with you! Look for a recording on the blog of this piece!

I have tons of great music for this year and Lee and I and the worship arts team are deciding where it will land in the church year but be ready for a great ride.

If any one you know is interested in doing BUF choir Please have them come  a little before 6 on the 4th so we can get them oriented and put in the right place. We always have big numbers in our first couple of rehearsals and we never quite retain all of those folks. lets see what we can do about keeping those folks that are really interested. As usual we need guys so keep your ear out for those low voices while you are out and about. 

Lets have a great year!!

In Harmony

Andy Marshall

PS we are still looking for that Perfect Choral librarian that has the right mix of Well organized, Not interested in Singing but wants to help out in a powerful way, and can be scary when getting people to turn their music back in. Any of those spouses out there that want to help and have mad skills??

1 comment:

  1. Will be away on our road trip until the 13th, so will see you at rehearsal on the 18th!
