Monday, February 8, 2021

Love is calling you

 Love Songs Open Mic, February 13

As of now (Monday afternoon), 17 (yes, seventeen) BUFsters and friends have signed up to sing something for this Saturday's Drive Thru-Love Fest-Open Mic-Fair Trade-Bubble Event at BUF, between 1-3pm. 60+ singers were invited, but 38 haven't answered yet. If you're one of them, please email me a quick yes, no or maybe. We'll be practicing, encouraging and brainstorming for this event at Wednesday's choir rehearsal via Zoom.

Virtual Choir of 2021 Interfaith Music Festival

All the instructions and materials have now been created and posted on our choir blog for you to film yourself singing "We Shall Be Known" for our next virtual choir project. We will have sectionals on the song again this Wednesday evening, and review the process. It is my hope that all of you BUF singers who have been attending Wednesday Zoom rehearsals will film yourselves, as well as other BUF Choir members who have been on Covid hiatus. The deadline for submitting a video is March 5.

Interfaith Liaisons

I need one BUF liaison for each of the 42 Interfaith Coalition member congregations. Your job as liaison will be to explain our project and get a photo and a music video from each congregation; not just to ASK for them, but to actually GET them - so this may require some doggedness. I will give each liaison the needed contact info. Here is the ask:

Please provide the following for this year's Interfaith Virtual Music Festival:

-TWO PHOTOS (can include your meeting place inside or outside, clergy and/or musicians)

-A ONE-MINUTE MUSIC VIDEO (we suggest filming one verse of a favorite congregational hymn or song. If your video is longer than a minute, we can trim it down. 

You can take the pictures and video using a smartphone, and email or text the results. Pklease submit by March 5, 2021



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